Life is slowly resuming. But there is a big old virus still out there. The virus has affected many people in different ways but what isn’t being talked about is what the residual health issues can be for those who have contracted it.
We spoke to one of our wonderful colleagues who contracted the virus back in March and were shocked to learn what the virus can do to our bodies. Bodies which we rely on for our livelihoods. It is a reminder why wearing appropriate PPE and delaying non-essential work is so important for ourselves and those we come in contact with.
So please, we ask that you keep this colleagues' experience in the back of your mind when you are at work - don’t be embarrassed to put on your mask, demand better PPE from your employer, speak up if you feel unsafe. It's only art after all…….
Our colleague has shared this statement with us to share with you:
I’ve been sick since the 16th March, shortly before lockdown was implemented. It is unclear when exactly or how the illness was transmitted. Just before this I worked for an entire fortnight overseeing an exhibition install. The team succeeded despite a tricky hang with a large volume of crated works to manoeuvre, so I was in high spirits.
I remember by the weekend I was more exhausted than expected. My normal routine was very active; I would cycle approx 8 miles a day to the gallery and go to the gym on top of that. Although I just felt run down and had important work to do on the Monday, I decided to self - isolate.
The first obvious symptom was a pinch in my chest which progressed into constriction around that area. Over the next few days, I started to look a bit pasty and I was sweating, shivering and I had lost my appetite. I remember thinking that if I survived 14 days of unpleasant flu-like symptoms it would be over by the end the month at the latest. Unfortunately, this has not been the case.
On the second week I had breathlessness, similar to what I imagine having bad asthma would be like, heavy panting even at rest. I eventually went to A&E on 111’s advice and was checked over but turned away as they were unable to help. Since then I have had an array of ongoing symptoms, some intermittent and some staying: pain in my bladder and kidney region, acid reflux. conjunctivitis, tinnitus, palpitations, neuralgia to list but a few.
At week 16, basic self-care has been difficult, I have relied on food being dropped to me and I’m struggling to find motivation for the small things in life. Interestingly, a friend of mine who I saw the weekend in March when I first felt ill has presented with similar symptoms for the same duration of time, which confirms this condition is not unique to me and I have read that many other people are dealing with similar issues.
After what I have experienced, I would encourage everyone to follow WHO guidelines regarding PPE.
Thank you to our colleague who shared this as it's not an easy thing to discuss but amazing that you have the drive to want to educate people, keep our industry healthy and help save lives. We salute you!
Here is the WHO - World Health Organisation’s recommendations - worth having a look!
If you have had COVID-19 and would like to share your experience please get in touch. If you have any feedback whatsoever please don’t hesitate to get in touch.